
B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering, Covenant University, Nigeria, Ota, AUG 2016 - SEP 2021

Professional Experience

  • JosPlay Africa (Machine Learning Enginner/AI Researcher) Contract Engineer

    • Built ML models to classify African music genres using a pipeline that includes large models for general classification and specific models for confidence verification.

    • Developed CNN-based models for audio tasks, including CNN-RNN-LSTM and CNN-Attention module architectures, which effectively recommended songs to users based on their history and similarity to other songs.

    • Created Encoder-Decoder type networks to serve as an alternative to MFCC and spectrogram-based approaches for feature extraction and compression of African music, improving training efficiency and reducing data storage requirements.

  • ALAT By Wema Bank (Software Engineer / Machine Learning Engineer) Intern , DEC 2021 - APR 2022

    • Developed a SaaS platform using computer vision and OCR technology to automate user authentication on banking platforms, preventing downtime and improving efficiency.

    • Utilized machine learning models for customer segmentation to predict user behavior and suggest personalized loan plans, improving customer satisfaction and retention.

  • Covenant University Centre for Research, Innovation and Discovery (CUCRID) ( Research Assistant) , APR 2022 - JUNE 2022

    • Partnered to design and program a soft robotic arm for harvesting tomatoes on a farm implementing YOLO for perception and object detection using Pytorch.

    • Simulated manipulator forward and inverse kinematic motions using python robotics toolbox.

    • Deployed Perception and Controls stack on a Rasberry PI.

  • Covenant University The Energy and Environment Research Group ( Research Assistant)

    • Assisted in the analysis of big data from renewable wind energy monitoring stations and contributed to the development of prediction models.

    • Utilized various data analysis and modeling techniques to gain insights into renewable energy trends and patterns.

  • Dangote SinoTruk ( Truck assembly line worker) Intern , JUNE 2020 - NOV 2020

    • Participated in the assembly of Dangote trucks from the chassis to the finished state.

    • Performed routine maintenance on company facilities, including logistic vehicles and forklifts.

  • Addax Petroleum ( Facilities Engineer) Intern , MAR 2020 - JUNE 2020

    • Concept design for Pipe inspection robot with teleoperation functions and real-time monitoring.

    • 3d Modeling and design of a Sand catcher for oil filtering on-site at addax petroleum facilities.

  • Leadway Assurance (Software Engineer / App & Backend Developer) Intern , APR 2019 - OCT 2019

    • Collaborated with a fellow software engineer to develop an access control system, wherein my responsibilities included building a Mobile Android (JAVA) application and back-end web services with Web API

    • Built working APIs to interact with the database using C to control turnstiles and interface with QR Code Scanners, use company utilities included in the Access Control System.

Honors and Awards

Competitive Programming Competition (2021) ICPC Regionals

  • Team Lead and Third Place Runner up for both (ACPC) Africa and Arab Collegiate Programming Championship and (NCPC) Nigeria and Arab Collegiate Programming Championship


  • Hebron startup Lab, Covenant University ( Start up Accelerator)

    • Dev community to help new deveopers and contribute to building technogies and startups.
  • Literary and Debating Society Covenant University
  • Badminton School Team
  • Chess School Team
  • Niah Foundation ( Charity and Medical outreach for kids in Nigeria )

Computer Skills

Programming Languages

  • Python, C & C++, C-Sharp, JAVA, Swift, Latex, SQL, BASH, MATLAB

Deep Learning Framework and Machine Learning

  • TensorFlow / Keras, PyTorch, Scikit-learn

CAD and Simulation

  • MuJoCo, SolidWorks, AutoCAD, AutoDesk Inventor, Webots

Operating Systems and Platforms

  • MAC Os, Linux, Windows, ARDUINO/ESP , Raspberry Pi, Docker

Other Technical Skills and Software

  • ROS1, Databases (MSSQL,MONGODB), Web-Dev BAckend( ASP.NET, Django/ Flask), Mobile devopment( Android, IOS ), RASA( CHATBOT Framework ), Computer Vison, Deep learning

Volunteer Experience

Programming Tutor

  • Taught a class on Introduction to Python and basics of Machine Learning in a programming Bootcamp hosted by students at Covenant University

  • Volunteered in a program teaching game programming with SCRATCH programming language to kids. In the end, they form teams and compete for the best game and presentation.