Hey there! (OBI wan Kenobi) :🚀:
I am currently interested in SLAM/ Visual SLAM algorithms and Reinforcement learning for planning and control in Robotics, I hope to do more work on these in the future and maybe one day find a research topic that will fuse both.

Field of Interests:

Robotics, Slam & Visual Slam , Reinforcement Learning, Artificial intellgence, Machine learning, optimization, motion planning, Control and Genetic Algorithms

Currently Working ON!
Active Graph SLAM, Constrained Model Based RL, Edge Detection.

About Me:
Hey there! I'm a passionate tinkerer who loves diving into projects from scratch. Whether it's building a nifty gadget or concocting a wild invention, I'm all in! When I'm not busy tinkering, you'll often find me immersed in the captivating worlds of fantasy and science fiction novels. My trusty iPad is like an extension of my hand—I'm always hooked on a good read.
Chess is my game of choice, although I must confess, my skills are far from grandmaster level. But hey, it's all about the fun and the challenge, right? If you know any mind-bending math puzzles that could keep me scratching my head for years, please send them my way. I thrive on those sleepless nights, pondering the intricacies of building intelligence.
Oh, did I mention my obsession with robots? Building those mechanical marvels is my true passion. And don't get me started on rockets! I can't resist binge-watching rocket launch videos. One day, I dream of having access to rocket motors so I can satisfy my ultimate hobby—building my very own rockets!
May the force be with you!

My Drive:
Accepting my fate early on was a hard thing, as a scientist in my short life I would never be able to try and solve problems in as many domains as I would love to but hopefully in the grand search to solve intelligence I would have contributed to everything else.

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